mufin player 2.51

Free Perfect alternative when it comes to music players for PCs
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2.51 r710 See all
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mufin (MUsic FINder) is a music player and manager that proposes an innovative way of experiencing your music collection. mufin aims to give you access to your music wherever you are; you can use it as a common application installed on your PC, from an Android-based device, or from a web browser. For that, it introduces the mufin drive, a free file storage service that gives you 1GB to upload your favorite music. It would be almost impossible to describe all the functions and features mufin offers, so let's have a look at the most interesting ones. Apart from what one expects to find in a music player, mufin offers a 3D visual environment where you can explore your collection. This, together with its sound-analysis capabilities, makes mufin a great app that all those who love music should try.

When you load songs to mufin, it analyzes them to "determine their acoustic properties" in order to suggest you related tracks and create automatic playlists. mufin player has three views: the Cover View (shows album covers), the conventional playlist view (Details), and Vision. The Details view shows all your songs in a list, making it easy for you to organize them by artist, genre, and other details. By right-clicking on a song, you can create automatic playlists based on your selected track, and it is also possible to do such things as editing the ID3 Tags, searching the track info, or sharing it to Facebook or Twitter. There is also a button next to each song used to upload a selected track to the mufin drive, provided that you are online and logged in to your mufin account. To the left there is a navigation panel to browse your favorite tracks, your playlists, the songs loaded to the mufin drive, and more.

Vision, on the other hand, displays all the songs in your collection as stars in a 3D "music universe" where you can move around and where songs are automatically arranged according to their sound characteristics (acoustic and synthetic), and mood (sad and happy). If you click on any of these 'stars' you will see a menu with options to play the song or to create playlists. And the most fun part of mufin starts here: Clicking on the 'mufin' icon will connect all the tracks that share some similarity by means of a nice animation: a sort of comet that travels through collection connecting songs. It can connect both, tracks with similar sound, songs from a selected album, or all the songs by a particular artist. This, on top of being an ingenious way of creating playlists, results in a visually stunning experience.

One last comment: The Vision mode for users of the Pro version ($29.99), called Vision Touch, integrates a whole lot of advanced features, and has been specially designed to be used with touch-screen devices.

MR Senior editor
Mariel Rearte
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Vision mode is just amazing
  • Sound analysis allows automatic playlist creation
  • 1GB for free to store your music on the mufin drive. (Pro version users get 25GB)
  • Uploading songs to the mufin drive is extremely easy
  • Complete set of features to manage all the tasks related to a music collection
  • Includes a CD burner and audio converter
  • Synchronization with iTunes
  • Scrobbler
  • Stable and responsive
  • Great interface


  • A bit heavy on system resources. (Takes up a little more than 200 MB of RAM)


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